Billy Zane as Ansem in Kingdom Hearts (Dialogue Quotes)

Описание к видео Billy Zane as Ansem in Kingdom Hearts (Dialogue Quotes)

The most epic four minutes of voice acting you will ever hear. Billy Zane = Absolute win as Ansem/Xehanort's Heartless.
0:00-0:33 is the scene from the cave
0:34-1:20 is where he possesses Riku
1:20-1:34 is right after Sora unlocks his heart
1:34-2:48 is the very famous End of the World speech
2:48-3:20 is right before the fight with Ansem and the World of Chaos
3:20-3:56 is when he is defeated by the light of Kingdom Hearts
3:56-4:23 is the End of the World version of the "One who knows nothing can understand nothing" speech moved to the end so as to not sound really repetitive and to go out with his most famous line.



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