#hogwartslegacy #hogwartsgameplay
Wizardkind's knowledge of astronomy was significantly more advanced than their Muggle counterparts, however unlike with most magical disciplines, advancements in astronomy made by wizards could eventually be discovered by Muggles who simply lacked the more advanced instruments of wizardkind.

Knowledge of astronomy was useful for predicting celestial events, which played an important part in potions especially. Hesper Starkey gained fame for discovering the role that the phases of the moon played in potion-making,[and certain potions required an accurate knowledge of the lunar cycle in order to brew properly. Aside from that however, is currently unclear exactly how Astronomy as a whole was relevant to the magical arts.

According to Professor Shah, there was much that could be gleaned from the stars. She believed that people were like blank star charts, empty canvasses waiting to be inscribed by all that the universe had to offer. Professor Shah found it increasingly rare to find a student who sought after things celestial (of their own accord). Although, some students, like Amit Thakkar, were fascinated by the concept of infinity and limitless potential, as there was always something new being discovered in space.

The great devoted stargazer's of the past erected stone slabs known as Astronomy Tables throughout the Highlands, from which they gazed toward the heavens millennia ago. They were ideal for studying constellations near and far, and they could be used to find hidden constellations. For centuries, wizardkind made use of them, but they have since become mere monuments to the intrepid intellectual pursuits of a bygone epoch. Some say the locations of the tables were originally marked by Centaurs for ritual star gazing.

By the 1990s, common devices within the wizarding world included Orrerys which showed an accurate map of the solar system, and even globes which showed an accurate moving map of the galaxy.[8] These objects far surpassed Muggle knowledge of astronomy by a considerable degree.[citation needed]

Astrology, a branch of divination that dealt in observing the behaviour of heavenly bodies, was not astronomy. It was frowned upon by astronomers, who did not like it when the two were confused for each other; they believed that one was concerned with mysteries stellar and lunar, the other they saw as "mere lunacy"

Alchemy, in both the magical and Muggle worlds, adopted some of the terms and symbols of various other disciplines, including astronomy, in order to avoid persecution.

   / @godredflash  
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