Nevada King Gold - “On The Hunt for a Monster Gold Deposit” - Episode 2 , The Wild West

Описание к видео Nevada King Gold - “On The Hunt for a Monster Gold Deposit” - Episode 2 , The Wild West

(TSX-V: NKG; OTCQX:NKGFF) In part 2 of “On The Hunt for a Monster Gold Deposit,” Exploration Manager, Cal Herron and Atlanta Project Manager, Hayden Smith, focus in on The Wild West Zone - Nevada King Gold’s newest discovery at the Atlanta Mine Project, where the company intercepted multiple holes with mineralization far west of the historic Atlanta Pit. The highlights of the 11 mineralized intercepts recently disclosed were Hole AT24WS-69, where 1.48 g/t of gold over 73.2 meters led the team to step out a further 50 meters, where they had an even better discovery - AT24WS-83 intercepted over 42 meters of 4.67 g/t Gold.

Cal and Hayden share thoughts on the origin of this new zone (which most likely is not related to the Atlanta Mine mineralization) and what the future may hold for “The Wild West”.  

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