What is a Particle-reinforced Composite? What are Upper & Lower Limits of Composites Elastic Modules

Описание к видео What is a Particle-reinforced Composite? What are Upper & Lower Limits of Composites Elastic Modules

Particle-Reinforced Composite Definition and Understanding Composites Elastic Modules. 🔍 Unlock the secrets of Particle-Reinforced Composites in our latest YouTube video! 🌐 Explore the definition and dive into the crucial details about the upper and lower limits of elastic modules in composites. 🛠️💡 Ideal for materials science enthusiasts and engineering students, this video provides comprehensive insights into the world of composite materials. Watch now to enhance your understanding and stay at the forefront of materials engineering! 🎓🔬 #ParticleReinforcedComposites #ElasticModules #MaterialsScienceExplained

In this video, you learn about large-particle and dispersion-strengthened composites which are the two sub-classifications of particle-reinforced composites. The distinction between these is based on the reinforcement or strengthening mechanism. 
For dispersion-strengthened composites, particles are normally much smaller, with diameters between 0.01 and 0.1 μm (10 and 100 nm). 
WC: tungsten carbide – ceramic
Biding between phases: dispersion (atoms), Large (interaction between phases on the macro-level)
In a Particle-reinforced Composite, the volume fraction of the two phases influences the behavior; mechanical properties are enhanced with increasing particulate content. Two mathematical expressions have been formulated for the dependence of the elastic modulus on the volume fraction of the constituent phases for a two-phase composite. 
The modulus of elasticity versus volume percent tungsten for a composite of tungsten particles dispersed within a copper matrix is explained in this video. Upper and lower bounds are according to Equations 16.1and 16.2 from the textbook, respectively; experimental data points are also included and explained in the video.
In the expressions presented, E and V denote the elastic modulus and volume fraction, respectively, and the subscripts c, m, and p represent composite, matrix, and particulate phases, respectively.

0:00 Intro
0:15 The Definition of Campsites
0:33 Particle-reinforced Composites
1:16 Dispersion-strengthened Composites
2:07 Large Particle Composites
3:10 Automobile Tires as an Example of Particle-reinforced Composites
4:10 Mechanical Properties of Particle-reinforced Composites
5:27 The Elastic Modulus of Composites
7:51 Electrical and Thermal Conductivities of Composites

► To watch all "Composites" Videos:
Video 1:    • What are the Classes and Types of Com...  
Video 2:    • What is a Particle-reinforced Composi...  
Video 3:    • What is a Fiber-reinforced Composite?...  
Video 4:    • Understanding Fiber-reinforced Compos...  
Video 5:    • What are Layered Composites? | What a...  


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   • Phase Diagrams For Beginners: What ar...  

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Thank you for watching!
Dr. Loay Al-Zube

Material Science - Composites (Video 2): Understand Particle-reinforced Composites | Dr Loay Al-Zube
What is a Particle-reinforced Composite? | Upper & Lower Limits of Elastic Modules | Dr Loay Al-Zube
#BiomaterialsEngineering #LoayAlzube


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