Victoria Police Real Stories: Senior Constable Hayley McDonald

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Hayley joined Victoria Police in 2020 after working in community services for over 10 years.

‘Working with people and helping people is something I really enjoy. And policing gives me that opportunity.’

Hayley started her policing career in the city but now loves her role as a Youth Resource Officer in Wangaratta. ‘I work with a lot of youth and help with early intervention strategies. When youth need a bit more support… it's really, really rewarding.‘

Hayley loves working in country areas, ‘So policing for me, especially in regional areas, gives me the opportunity to be able to engage with the community and be a part of many different communities as well.’

The ups and downs of policing has kept the job interesting for Hayley, ‘it is a different job every day, and some days are really long and you go home and you're exhausted. And some days are just the best days where I might go home and think, it was so much fun.’

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