
Описание к видео serendipity.

Serendipity: Everything You Need To Know (WITH IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS) -

Preface (main description) :
- also in the canva link

(1) As humans, it is absolutely normal to experience sways of emotions. Most of the time, these emotions cause them to alter their decisions, perspective on life, and over all self-esteem. Serendipity mainly tackles envy and the complexity of its worsened state when a person is deep in jealousy and lack of confidence. It's here to remind you that it doesn't end happily, it won't succeed if you try imprinting other people on yourself. You're an individual vessel of a different soul. If you feel envious of someone, just know that it is a completely normal a choice to change. But change for yourself, change for your future, change for what you KNOW DEEPLY is better. Don't let it get to your head,or you'll end up dragging yourself off the cliff. You will end up unoriginal. Yes, it's ultimately your decision after all, but decisions have consequences, mild or not.

(2) Introspective with the theme of envy, the song targets the feeling of lack of belief in one’s self, and more especially the countless possibilities that come with the confidence that they’re able to be more relevant/significant if they were to be another person.


It’s hard to chase when you’re not wide awake
I don’t mean to pry, I just want to relate
It’s such a move to be like you
My heart tells me I’m soon enough, but I mutter that I’m too late

I can’t bear the longing and wait
I know I yearn for love, but I’m in a weighted state
Too far to reach, I tend to act so fake
I just want to be real with a plastic face

I just wish that one day, I’ll meet your luck on the way
And if I had the chance, I would gaze at my fate
The world won’t give me a break, too hurt to say it’s touche
When will I be you, and you be me? I can’t rely on serendipity

I’m scared to seem dry or rude
I don’t want to be seen like I’m just uncouth
My boundaries don’t align with me
If I had to choose, there’s no doubt I’d be you

I lit myself in flames till I was molten
Because a blade is better when it is sharpened
Every ember fall is like when I start to
Be closer to being just like you

I just wish that one day, I’ll meet your luck on the way
And if I had the chance, I would gaze at my fate
The world won’t give me a break, too hurt to say it’s touche
When will I be you, and you be me? I can’t rely on serendipity
You tapped my heart and my insecurities
I carry myself with self-inflicted sympathy
Will tomorrow be a better day for me?
Would I finally be you? I can’t rely on serendipity

I forged a blade made to seal my fate
Because I just know my fate is disarranged
In an unleavened state, never felt the heat
I’m cold, forever stale, as unmoving as steel

I just wish that one day, I’ll meet your luck on the way
And if I had the chance, I would gaze at my fate
The world won’t give me a break, too hurt to say it’s touche
Do you graze my path with pity? I can’t rely on serendipity

#songwriting #song #writing #sad #envy #jealousy #selfdestruct #dont #fyp #musiccomposition


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