Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Walkthrough Part 13: Niculescu Funds Tower

Описание к видео Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Walkthrough Part 13: Niculescu Funds Tower

Having conducted his own investigation into MetaGlobal Funds, Gabriel Logan comes to the conclusion that current Syphon Filter outbreak, as well as the previous conspiracy involving the Consortium, were likely orchestrated by Mihai Niculescu, European banker, CEO of Niculescu Funds and third richest man in the world. However, due to Niculescu's influence and apparently clean public record, Gabe's proposed investigation of Niculescu Funds headquarters to confirm his suspicion is prohibited by IPCA's higher-ups in Washington D.C. Despite this and Gabe's other associates such as Lian Xing and Teressa Lipan considering Gabe's insistence that Niculescu is involved with Syphon Filter to be unfounded, Gabe takes Cobra along on an unsanctioned raid of Niculescu Funds headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, their objective being to break into the building's computer mainframe in order to retrieve the account information of Niculescu's clients and confirm that he was dealing with the terrorist factions that utilized Syphon Filter and then enter the vaults located on the building's lower levels in order to find more incriminating evidence against Niculescu and MetaGlobal Funds. However, the raid turns out to have been in vain as Cobra triggers the building's alarm system, causing the mainframe to lock down, denying them access to the account information while the search of the vaults also turns up empty as Cobra and Gabe only find the crates full of paintings. Resigned, Gabe prepares to give up digging up evidence against Niculescu, only to discover another clue as the crates are marked down as Niculescu's property bound for his private estate in Montenegro. With the hope that he may still confirm his suspicion of Nicolescu renewed, Gabe sends Cobra back to Germany while he decides to head to Montenegro on his own...


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