CRISPS Project - Climate resilient sustainable road pavement surfacings

Описание к видео CRISPS Project - Climate resilient sustainable road pavement surfacings

One or several simultaneous changes in climate, e.g. hotter seasons, more extreme precipitation events and sea level rise could severely impinge on road performance in Low Income Countries (LICs). Failure to account for such impacts in future road design, maintenance and operating planning and protocols, could cause accelerated road deterioration and higher road use costs, thereby severely constraining socio-economic development.

To address this, the CRISPS multi-disciplinary research project will operate over 18 months under the leadership of the University of Birmingham (UoB) and in collaboration with the University of Auckland (UoA), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the International Road Federation (IRF).

The research project aims to demonstrate the technical and economic suitability of three global best-practice road surfacing technologies for the range of traffic and environmental conditions of high volume roads that typically currently occur in LICs and those that are predicted to occur in the future. The technologies evaluated are Modified Epoxy Chip Seals (MECS), Modified Epoxy Asphalt Surfaces (MEAS) and Fibre Mastic Asphalt (FMA) respectively. The technologies are a result of many years of research in New Zealand (MECS and MEAS) and Malaysia (FMA) where their in-situ performance has been demonstrated through trials and they are as a result routinely used in service.

This webinar will provide you with an overview of the project and there will be time for questions at the end of the session.


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