Digital Enterprise in the Food & Beverage Industry

Описание к видео Digital Enterprise in the Food & Beverage Industry

Digital Enterprise is helping the food and beverage industry respond faster and more flexibly to new market demands and global events in order to meet dynamic consumer demands for more and new flavor directions, healthier products, transparency over ingredients, sustainable packaging concepts, and eco-friendlier production. We meet these demands by combining all product- and production-related data and exploiting it intelligently, thus merging the physical and virtual worlds. Based on the example of cold brew coffee, we demonstrate how the beverage industry can utilize existing Digital Twins of the product and production to launch new products faster. Digital Threads serve as a “subway map” for confronting specific challenges quickly and reliably. They provide digitally enabled processes and revolutionize the way in which products are designed, developed, manufactured, and delivered. Right from the start, experts from Digital Enterprise Services contribute their know-how to support companies’ digital transformation, first by working with them to develop a digital strategy, then assisting with implementation, and finally by helping them to leverage.


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