【ケルト音楽・BGM】とあるギルドの一日【作業用・勉強用・睡眠用】 / 【Celtic Music・BGM】A Day in a Certain Guild【For work/study/sleep】

Описание к видео 【ケルト音楽・BGM】とあるギルドの一日【作業用・勉強用・睡眠用】 / 【Celtic Music・BGM】A Day in a Certain Guild【For work/study/sleep】


BGM of Celtic music without lyrics.
Please use it as background music for work, study, or sleep.

【トラックリスト / track list】
0:00:00 ギルドの朝 (The Guild's Dawn)
0:04:07 新たな依頼 (The New Quest)
0:07:38 決断の時 (Moment of Decision)
0:12:28 準備の儀式 (The Ritual of Preparation)
0:17:10 旅立ち (The Journey Begins)
0:21:33 道中の闘い (Battle on the Road)
0:25:50 街の囁き (Whispers of the Town)
0:28:54 現場への到着 (Arrival at the Scene)
0:35:12 罠の影 (Shadow of the Trap)
0:39:17 救いの閃き (A Flash of Salvation)
0:43:36 目的の発見 (Discovery of the Goal)
0:45:36 ボスの咆哮 (The Boss's Roar)
0:49:14 共鳴の闘い (Resonance of Battle)
0:52:31 夕焼けの帰路 (The Path Home Under the Sunset)
0:55:55 報酬の時 (Time for the Reward)
1:00:13 ギルドマスターの感謝 (_The Guildmaster's Gratitude)
1:04:25 報酬の分配 (Division of the Spoils)
1:05:55 酒場の祝宴 (_Feast in the Tavern)
1:09:55 明日への策謀 (Schemes for Tomorrow)
1:12:13 静かな夜の終わり (Quiet End of the Night)


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