Letting Agents to the Rescue ~ Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords

Описание к видео Letting Agents to the Rescue ~ Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords

Eviction expert Paul helps an old friend evict a hoarder. In Wigan, letting agents Karen and Gemma act on multiple complaints from neighbours about a racially abusive tenant. Elsewhere in Darwen, letting agent Paul is approached by a new landlord.

This series follows the eviction specialists whose job it is to tackle tenants who can’t, or won’t pay the rent, and local authority housing offices tasked with going after rogue landlords. We also follow the work letting agents dealing with problem tenants. From a weed farm in a three-bedroom Blackburn semi, to drug addicts in a Blackpool bedsit, to 25 migrants squeezed into a suburban London home, Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords, delves into dark side of Britain’s housing crisis.

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