Can atheists have mystical experiences? | Ariane Moore | TEDxHobart

Описание к видео Can atheists have mystical experiences? | Ariane Moore | TEDxHobart

Connection to the natural environment can cause completely secular mystical experiences. Profound and often life-changing, it's time such experiences were legitimised. Ari Moore is a PhD candidate in philosophy at the University of Tasmania. Growing up in Cairns in Far North Queensland, she spent almost a decade in Melbourne and studied philosophy at Deakin University before moving further south to Hobart. Her research falls between philosophy of religion and atheism studies. While traditionally atheism studies have attempted to disprove the truth of religion, Ari is indifferent to this goal. Rather, her interests lie in exploring the philosophically fascinating intersection between the experience and behaviour of those who do and do not believe. Her PhD thesis aims to provide an account of how the natural environment is not only a unique source of wonder and awe but also holds immense value as the potential source of legitimate secular mystical experiences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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