English UNO Second Match [Holostars / AROHARI]

Описание к видео English UNO Second Match [Holostars / AROHARI]

The sequel with extra Roberu bullying.
AROHARI: Arurandeisu, Yukoku Roberu, Hanasaki Miyabi, and Rikka.

Let me know if I mistranslate some lines!

Original Source:    • 【UNO】とにかくハワイに行きたい4人のガチバトル!!【#アロハリ/ホロス...  
Ending Source:    • 【縛り弾き語り】あるがままの心でシーソーゲームをHANABIしながら、ミス...  
Namonaki Uta / Mr. Children

⚙Get to know Rikka!
Twitter:   / rikkaroid  
YouTube Channel:    / @rikka  

He can play guitar, he can sing, and he has a soothing voice. This clumsy android shines bright. You can easily enjoy his stream.

🍕Get to know Aruran!
Twitter:   / arurandeisu  
YouTube Channel:    / @arurandeisu  

This dandy Oldman always amusing to watch. Pretty eccentric and great sense of humor. FPS regular player.

🌺Get to know Miyabi!
Twitter:   / miyabihanasaki  
YouTube Channel:    / @hanasakimiyabi  

Pretty boy who loves to play games. Often being mistaken as a girl. He's an 'amazing' artist. Final Fantasy addict.

🍷Get to know Roberu!
Twitter:   / yukokuroberu  
YouTube Channel:    / @yukokuroberu  

BAR ROBEL Master who loves to talk with his customers. He has a great taste for video games and anime. A big nerd.

⭐Get to know Holostars!
Twitter:   / holostarstv  
YouTube Channel:    / @holostars  

Holostars is a sister(brother?) group agency belong to Hololive Production focusing on male V-Tubers.
If you like it, don't forget to support them by subscribing to their channels


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