Free Mineral Hot Springs - Ancient Roman Road UNDER CAMINO!

Описание к видео Free Mineral Hot Springs - Ancient Roman Road UNDER CAMINO!

Portuguese Camino Video 14 - Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis
There is some great history in this video that relates to the old Roman Road 19. Caldas de Reis is also known for mineral springs that you can soak your feet or entire body in! You have to try it! There are many other things to see in Caldas de Reis that we discovered on our second visit which you can find here…    • CROWDED CAMINO - Church SHAPED like a...  
In April and May 2024 my wife and I walked the Portuguese Camino Central route and within two days we started walking the Portuguese Camino COASTAL route (we ran out of time for the spiritual variant at the end). On the coastal route we really tried to go slower to enjoy the experience. #Camino #CaminoDeSantiago #PortugueseCamino #CaminoPortuguese #CaminoCoastal #CoastalCamino #CaminoCentralPortiguese #CentralCaminoPortuguese #SendaLitoral #caminodecompostela #pontevedra #caldasdereis #caldasdarainha


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