Sugar High - Empire Records (No Dialogue Version)

Описание к видео Sugar High - Empire Records (No Dialogue Version)

I always like the song at the end of Empire Records 'Sugarhigh'. But the film version is interrupted with dialogue from the scene and the album version doesn't have Renee Zellweger singing the extra choruses.

So I combined the two. This is the Sugarhigh song from the movie with Renee's singing, mixed with the uncensored lyrics from the album version and without all the dialogue from the movie constantly interrupting the music. The ultimate version of Sugarhigh for any Empire Records fan!

I also created a new music video for it featuring some of my favourite scenes from the movie.

Empire Records is copyrighted by Warner Brothers and Regency Enterprises.

The music is copyrighted by Coyote Shivers and their respective owners.


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