Sheep Farming Vlog: Feeding Sheep

Описание к видео Sheep Farming Vlog: Feeding Sheep

Today at Ewetopia Farms, we show you how we go about feeding our sheep. Our barns are set up so that we feed round bales down a central alleyway and to do so, we simply roll the bales out. One bale feeds 100-150 sheep/day. At this time of year, we are starting to feed our first cut wrapped hay which consists of approximately 70% alfalfa and the rest is mixed grasses. Most sheep are also fed a little bit of grain both morning and night totally about 1 pound of grain/head/day. This amount gets increased during pregnancy and lactation and if sheep are losing condition. Sheep not in breeding groups at the moment also go out to pasture every day to graze.

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Thank you!

Lynn & Arnie

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Lynn McKay and Arnie Droogh
3606 6th Concession Road
Kingston, Ontario
K0H 1Y0
[email protected]


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