ARMY VETERAN turns DARK SIDE in STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II. Camera comes on at minute 14.

Описание к видео ARMY VETERAN turns DARK SIDE in STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II. Camera comes on at minute 14.

This one was super fun. Completed the following:

Mission 1: The Battle of Endor - Had to eliminate a bunch of Rebels and steal a TIE Fighter. The Rebellion is on Endor and have managed to take down the shield generators protecting the Death Star. Admiral Garrick Versio knows this to be true when he sees the disabled Super Star Destroyer Executor crash into the surface of the Death Star, causing an explosion. He sends Inferno Squad to Endor with the mission to remove the rebellion threat and restore the shields. The shield are irreparable and the Death Star is destroyed. Admiral Vesio orders a retreat, the Commander, Agent Meeko, and Agent Hask locate TIE Fighter ships among the chaos and after defeating the Rebels, head for the Corvus . The Corvus is under heavy attack but is defended by Inferno Squad and Imperial pilots.

The crew of the Corvus are able to get the engines online. Commander Versio is ordered to meet her father on The Eviscerator. Here he informs her that Emperor Palpatine is dead. He also shares a final message delivered by a non-sentient being who displays the message via a facial hologram of the Emperor. It is the first she learns of Operation Cinder. While she doesn't know the intent of the Operation, she learns that despite the death of the Emperor, Admiral Versio fully intends to carry it out. The messenger has information regarding the first target, but Iden is sent away with new assignments before she could learn anything further.

Mission 2: The Dauntless - Commander Iden Versio is ordered to the Fondor Shipyards where she and Agent Hask will retrieve experimental satellites for the Star Destroyer Dauntless and see to the safety Moff Raythe. An enemy Cruiser is attacking the Dauntless and has sent transport ships to hijack it. Commander Versio and her Inferno team must destroy them, their escorting CR90 Corvette, and keep the Dauntless safe.

The ion cannons on the Rebel Cruiser are doing quite a bit of damage to the Dauntless but the only way to stop them is from the inside, so Commander Versio and Agent Hask infiltrate the Cruiser's hanger and fight their way to the cannons. Once there, Versio uses the droid to slice into the first two cannons, shutting them down and exposing the core. She and Hask defend the droid. Versio attacks and destroys both cannons. The third is destroyed with explosives, sending it into space. It collides with a second Rebel Corvette nearby and sends it crashing into the Cruiser, nearly killing the Commander and Hask.

They escape in their TIE-fighters only to discover that Dauntless has regained power but is locked into the nearby space station. Moff Raythe demands that Commander Versio release the ship by destroying the power sources holding the docking clamps. She is unnerved about attacking an Imperial station, especially since she and Hask were tasked by the Admiral to keep the satellites safe as their first priority. She is able to do both, and she and Hask depart for the Corvus as the Dauntless engages and destroys the Rebel Cruiser.

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