ESO - Apocrypha Ambience, West Coast.

Описание к видео ESO - Apocrypha Ambience, West Coast.

Moving north along the western coast. The trip begins with a thunderstorm and ends with the mystery of the dark sea.

00:00 - Intro.
00:08 - Near the Tower of Unutterable Truths, during a thunderstorm.
05:41 - Near the Tower of Unutterable Truths, now looking toward Altar of the One Who Knows. The storm is more intense.
16:45 - Along the coast, looking toward the Altar of the One Who Knows.
24:17 - Watchers, Lurker, Seeker, and other creatures.
32:46 - Looking toward Apogee of the Tormenting Eye.
40:14 - The sea of ink.
45:17 - What floats on the surface?

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