How a Culture of Honor works: A Conversation with the Armstrong's

Описание к видео How a Culture of Honor works: A Conversation with the Armstrong's

This is a Free episode of Culture & Conversations, our Learning Community.

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When a Christian leader fails morally, we all know what comes next.

Classically, they enter a “discipline” process, which is actually a punishment process, because it’s designed to control the leader’s choices and keep them from ever messing up again.

But what happens when a leader fails in a culture of honor? Other leaders come alongside them to support them as they clean up their mess and restore relationships, because restoration—not behavior modification—is the goal.

In this final session, Ben and Heather describe the role their church leadership played in supporting them as they restored their relationships with each other and their community.

I think you’re going to love hearing about their experience. Let’s get started.


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