Homemade vegetarian food for pet dog /Nutritious veg lab food recipe/How make homemade veg pup food

Описание к видео Homemade vegetarian food for pet dog /Nutritious veg lab food recipe/How make homemade veg pup food

DETAILED WRITTEN RECIPE - https://maryzkitchen.com/best-nutriti...

Pets provide a great way to de-stress during especially during the lockdown . During the lockdown, many pets were adopted and welcomed home
Loneliness has been a significant issue affecting the mental and physical health of people during the lockdown, and several studies have found that having a pet is linked to better mental health and reducing loneliness. For many, their pet companions have made life a bit easier during these tough times.

It becomes bit expensive to buy ready made food for pets for all 3 meals  .
There is nothing like a healthy home–cooked meal 
Dogs should eat at least two meals each day, about 12 hours apart. But a breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule is an equally great option. If more than 12 hours elapses between meals, the stomach can become hyperacidic causing nausea.
Always while introducing a new food , give him or her a week to adjust. It is important to keep in mind their willingness to eat. Forcible feeding is not good.
If they vomit or pass loose motion then stop it .
Dogs can be on a vegetarian diet but not human-kind of vegetarian food. People need to understand that they have an entirely different digestive system. Thus, the requirement of protein and calorie also differs. A dog’s diet should have a minimum of 30 to 35 per cent of protein and 30 per cent of calorie component with the rest of it consisting of fats, vitamins, fibres and minerals. 
A dog’s protein requirements are greater than ours. To ensure that your dog gets enough, make sure that approximately a third to a half of their meal consists of a high-quality protein source – such as well-cooked legumes – pintos, chick peas, soy beans, lentils, and split peas are all good

Paneer is a good source of protein for a vegetarian diet. One can also feed all varieties of ‘dal’ too. Curd rice is also good but the proportion of curd rice should not exceed more than 30 to 40 per cent of their meal. 

Never include sugar /salt / masalas /excess oil to the pets food

Capsicum / bell peppers
Any sweet items
Full of masalas
Too much of milk
Tomatoes (a source of stone development)
Wheat-based products (allergy issues are a lot more with it)
Avoid maida / white flour

From the time we got our  Messi , he used to enjoy curd rice .
Now we feed me thrice a day – a small bowl of royal canain for breakfast and home cooked veg or non veg food for lunch and dinner .

For hair fall I give hime soft coat supplement


Usually I take all the veges that are available at home in small small quantities . For proteins I add soya chunks or paneer or chick pea /  yoghurt / tofu .
A fat source – safflower olive/ canola / fish oil /coconut oil . The best and most easily available fish oils are salmon and cod.

Sometimes I add a generous pinch of turmeric also – turmeric is safe for dogs in small quantities.
Maintaining pain associated to joints issues and arthritis.
Reducing blood clots due to its blood thinning properties.
Helping irritable bowel diseases since it helps break down dietary fats.
Great antioxidant.
Boosting the immune system.

I usually take all veges which are available at home like
White pumpkin
Sweet potato
Green beans
Green peas… etc
I do add greens like spinach also to his food but not whole leaves . I blanch and puree it .
To the boiled veges I add idlis / rice / broken wheat / oats / quinoa / brown rice / chapatti etc  what ever is available .
While cooking the veges you can1 or tbsp of any dals
For proteins I add soya chunks / chick peas / paneer .
We feed him all fruits except grapes and raisins. if giving apple discard the seeds .

 You can safely keep cooked food in the refrigerator upto 2 or 3 days.
Once in a while do give the pets raw veges / fruits – A raw food diet removes a lot of unnecessary carbohydrates, so it can be a great way of helping a dog to lose weight or maintain their condition. 
For small dogs you can mash the cooked food and serve .
Always keep the food bowl on a height while feeding – Raised feeders provide ease of access to food and water which can help facilitate movement of food when traveling from the mouth to the stomach. Consuming food from elevated dog bowls places less strain on the dog’s neck, hips, shoulders and joints, which promotes better posture.

DIET PLAN FOR LOSING WEIGHT –  https://maryzkitchen.com/diet-plan-lo...
VARIETIES OF CHUTNEY RECIPES – https://maryzkitchen.com/?s=chutney
VARITEIES OF IDLI RECIPES – https://maryzkitchen.com/?s=IDLI
VARIETIES OF SALADS – https://maryzkitchen.com/?s=Salad


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