Italian Citizenship by Descent: How to Get Started

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Italian citizenship by descent and how to get started. Italian citizenship requirements and the absolute basics needed in order to find out if you're eligible or not. This is key before you go any further ! There are specific conditions which must be met and in this video I will help you to understand if Italian citizenship via jure sanguinis is something you can indeed claim!

I also talk about my story and how I was able to get dual Italian American citizenship via my great-grandfather and the steps I had to go through. Granted I did all of this in 2008 so things may have changed slightly in the past 13 years, but the fundamentals when you are just starting out to acquire Italian citizenship by descent have not.

Bonus tip: Some may argue that calling a local politicians office to speak on your behalf is not 100% ethical and I can see where one would find fault in this. However my thinking at the time was that a politicians's job is to serve and help the community and quite frankly I was a bit frustrated that I was facing a long wait to get the letter I needed from the national archives. Hindsight is always 20/20 right? I do feel however that it's not comparable to other types of political favors that cost lives for example or that are in some way shape or form is damaging to others. Mine was strictly in the interest of genealogical research and one of of the cornerstones towards my eventual new life here in Italy. I have no regrets!

COVID: Do check your local consulate to see if they are accepting applications at this time as the pandemic has had an effect on the application process. The NY one is not accepting applications at this time.

Disclaimer: Please do your own research when pursuing Italian citizenship jure sanguinis. The content of the today's video is strictly my interpretation of the whole process and on how to pursue the matter. Check with your local consulate on what exactly you need to begin your application.

The information in this video is also not definitive. In recent years people of Italian descent have been able to have their Italian citizenship recognized, in particular those who fall under the 1948 rule.
I have also spoken with Canadian friends who seem to defy the 1992 rule in that Canadian citizenship was acquired before this year. Yet, they had no problems getting their Italian citizenship back and also from their parents. SO, as I say in the video, do your research and ask your local consulate if you are eligible or not. Go to the source !

Buona fortuna!


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🔎🔎 Jump to a specific part of the video:

00:00 intro
00:36 Are you Italian?
01:10 Ancestor research
01:24 Foreign citizenship?
02:26 Ineligibility
03:51 Certificate of Naturalization
04:19 Proof of non-citizenship
05:11 How I got my letter!
05:57 1948 cases
06:45 1992 and 1861
07:38 Consulate visit
08:20 Disclaimer
09:02 Comment

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