Searafting through the Saltstraumen maelstrøm close to Bodø, Norway

Описание к видео Searafting through the Saltstraumen maelstrøm close to Bodø, Norway

Last night, I had the pleasure to be part of a group going searafting from Bodø to Saltstraumen and back. Going out from Bodø, it was quite windy with "exciting" waves around 2 metres, but it got a bit calmer as we turned and went in the Salten fjord towards Saltstraumen. I found the maelstrøm (tide current) Saltstraumen to be very interesting. The above clip is from one of several passes through it. Note that the boat is practically not moving for some time although a lot of water passes by. Beeing so close to the water, this was a unique experience I will remeber quite a while. If interested, you may find more information at


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