SOCIAL ECOLOGY || RURAL SOIOLOGY & EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY || EXCOM-111 B.Sc Agriculture First Sem. || LECTURE-4 || B.Sc Agriculture Classes || B.Sc Agriculture First Semester Study Material || #ruralsociology #educationalpsychology #kamleshsiragriculture #brightagroclasses #agriculture #bscagriculturebestcoaching #bscagriculture #bscagricultureclasses #bscagricultureclassesinhindi #bscagriculturefirstsemester #bscagriculturefirstyear #bscagriculturestudychannel @Bright_agro_classes
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Sociology and Rural sociology: Definition and scope, its significance in agriculture extension, Social Ecology: Definition, objectives, history, challenges and social ecology in Indian context, Rural society: Important characteristics, differences & Relationship between Rural and Urban societies., Social Groups: Meaning, Definition, Classification, Factors considered in formation and organization of groups. Social Stratification- Meaning, Definition, Functions, Forms of Social stratification. Culture concept Culture, Customs, Folkways, Mores, Taboos, Rituals and Traditions. Meaning, Definition and their role in Agricultural Extension. Social Institution: Meaning, Definition, Major institutions in Rural society, Functions, Social Change & Development: Meaning, Definition, Nature of Social change and factors of social change. Social process- Meaning. Definition, types. Social Control-- Meaning, Definition, Need and Means of Social control.. Rural Leadership: concept and definition, types and roles of leaders in rural context, Methods of selection of leaders.
Educational psychology: Meaning & its importance in agriculture extension. Behavior: Cognitive, affective, psychomotor domain, Cognitive skills, Personality- Meaning, Definition, Types, Factors influencing the Personality and Role of Personality in Agricultural Extension., Motivation, Meaning, Definition, Importance in extension, Theories of Motivation, Intelligence-Meaning, Definition, Types, Factors affecting intelligence.. Teaching Learning Process process- Meaning and Definition of Teaching, Learning. Learning experience and Learning situation, Elements of learning situation and its characteristics. Perception, Emotions.
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