From Wan Chai MTR Station to Grand Ballroom of Hopewell Hotel | 由灣仔港鐵站前往

Описание к видео From Wan Chai MTR Station to Grand Ballroom of Hopewell Hotel | 由灣仔港鐵站前往

Get Direction | 路線指引
When you arrive at Wan Chai Station, please walk to Exit D (Lee Tung Avenue). Go to the Tesla Showroom on Lee Tung Avenue, then walk across the road, take the escalator, and go to Level 3 of Hopewell Centre, where you can find the entrance to Hopewell Mall (next to McDonald’s). At Hopewell Mall, walk to the end to access the lifts to Hopewell Hotel. Press 16 in the lift to reach the Grand Ballroom of Hopewell Hotel.

乘坐港鐵至灣仔港鐵站,出閘後步行至D出口(利東街),在那裡找到Tesla的陳列室後,可橫過馬路,然後沿扶手電梯往合和中心三樓,即可找到合和商場入口(麥當勞餐廳旁邊)。進入合和商場後,請步行至商場另一端的升降機前往合和酒店。在升降機請按 16便到達合和酒店的合和大禮堂。

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