Taurus Are They Any Good G3, G3C, G3X

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Are the Taurus pistols any good? In this video, we're taking a look at the Taurus G3X, G3C, and G3 to see if they're any good. Let's see if they have the durability, reliabality, and overall good quality that Taurus has been working towards.

In this video we will talk about the G3c, G3c, G3, GX4 and how they have held up after a few thousand rounds through them. Overall I have round the quality to be good for the price point.

Who knows, maybe you'll find a great gun that you were looking for at Taurus Firearms!

All filming done in a safe manner on a bonafide public range under the supervision of licensed and certified professionals featuring legal items only. All Federal, State and Local laws were followed during the course of all filming and productions of this content.


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