Just Farming | Corrupted Mods Farm | Early Platinum Farm Solo Part 147:15

Описание к видео Just Farming | Corrupted Mods Farm | Early Platinum Farm Solo Part 147:15

It's Nei here.
The best way to find the Orokin Vault is to blitz clear all open doors till extract site. The faster you clear the better.

Orokin Eye:
Short range 150m; about 2 tile set coverage at most.
Shorter distance to extract is better.
Multiple big tile set/corridor in adjacent makes for wasted coverage.

My Conclusion: Fundamentals is always 1st. The Orokin Eye is a supplementary way to find it but not the main way. For me it works at most half the time as there's variables. Welcome to try as different people will have different results.

Remember these steps:
1. Mark. Mark the door you came from to establish your general direction and to prevent yourself from double clearing.
2. Capture. Capture the target immediately when you're in the same tileset/corridor.
3. Count. As some corridors have 3, 5, and 7 doors, you only need to remember the open ones that you haven't cleared yet. Clear the extract door last.
4. Blitz. Blitz clear the open doors one by one till you reach the extract site. If you find yourself in another corridor, repeat step 3 and 4.

In case you overlooked it, just extract as double clearing is not worth your time. Remember that sub 3 minute run is optimal. With enough run you'll subconsciously remember the tiles and the possibility of the vault location. For a chill run, just run public squad.

Mods that most frames and weapons use:

Anemic Agility R5 Rifle
Blind Rage R10 Warframe
Catalyzing Shields R3 Warframe
Corrupt Charge R3 Melee
Creeping Bullseye R5 Rifle
Critical Deceleration R5 Shotgun
Critical Delay R5 Rifle
Fleeting Expertise R5 Warfame
Narrow Minded R10 Warframe
Overextended R5 Warframe
Transient Fortitude R10 Warframe
Vile Acceleration R5 Rifle


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