Joy (December 15, 2024) | More Than Words

Описание к видео Joy (December 15, 2024) | More Than Words

Welcome to worship! Today we continue our Advent series "More Than Words." This year we hope to explore how each Advent word invites us, challenges us, and prepares us for Jesus’ arrival, drawing us closer to God. This week, Pastor Heather will preach on Zephaniah 3: 14-20 & Luke 3: 7-18, Kim will lead our music, and the Jeffords Memorial Handbell Choir will bless us with an offertory.

Fill out a Connect Card and give online here:

If you have a prayer request, you are welcome to share it in the comments or on your Connect Card so we can pray with you.

All music not in the public domain that is used in this worship service is licensed for use by First United Methodist Church of Olympia:
CCLI copyright license, # 516579
CCLI Streaming License, # CSPL154821
One License, # A-734323
CCS #14793

0:00 - Christmas Carols
8:43 - Gathering
16:29 - Proclamation of the Word
47:55 - Response to the Word
1:06:33 - Sending Forth


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