Delhi guest teacher vacancy 2020 | guest teacher form step by step | how to apply |cutoff list|

Описание к видео Delhi guest teacher vacancy 2020 | guest teacher form step by step | how to apply |cutoff list|

Delhi guest teacher form application form last date 10/12/2020. Guest teacher apply online process step by step. full details of guest teacher form.

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Delhi Guest Teacher Recruitment 2020: The online applications process for various posts of TGT( Maths, Science and English), PGT( English, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce and Economics), EVGC and TGT Special Education Teachers for Engagement in Delhi Government Schools, on the basis of as and when required, for the academic session 2020-21 and onwards are ongoing at All such candidates who wish to become a government teacher have an opportunity to become a part of Delhi Govt. Schools. The online applications for the aforesaid posts will be continued till 10 December 2020.

Aspirants may register themselves through the online mode at from 1 December at 11 AM to 10 December 2020 till 6 PM. The online applications have been started. Candidates can directly access the online application link by scrolling down. Submission of applications other than online mode shall be summarily rejected. The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of merit only.

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PGT/Lecturer (English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Commerce, Economics)PG Degree in the subject concerned Not exceeding 36 years

2TGT (English, Mathematics, Natural Science)Bachelor Degree or equivalent Below 32 years, Women-40 years

3Educational and Vocational Guidance Counsellor (EVGC)Master Degree in Psychology with a Diploma in Guidance and Counselling Below 32 years, Women-40 years

4TGT Special Education Teacher Graduate with B.Ed. Special Education or B.Ed. with 2 years Diploma in Special Education or PG Diploma in Special Education Below 32 years, Women-40 years


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