Peace – Solidarity – Freedom: Our Campaign for Europe with Yanis Varoufakis and more!

Описание к видео Peace – Solidarity – Freedom: Our Campaign for Europe with Yanis Varoufakis and more!

Running for the European elections on 9 June 2024 is a milestone for MERA25 Germany, and we are full of motivation and commitment to put our campaign for a democratic Europe into practice together with you.

Therefore, we are organising this get-together to present our candidates, and to discuss our program on “Peace – Solidarity – Freedom” with you.

The day is divided into different formats: Our candidates will open the floor at 17:00, introducing MERA25’s vision and core demands for the people of Europe, including Yanis Varoufakis, who is joining us live online.

The official part will conclude with a panel discussion on interconnected struggles, with MERA25 candidates in discussion with inspiring guests. As you all know, freedom for Palestine has become central to our understanding of liberation, so expect that it will not be forgotten.

On June 9, at the EU elections, let's make Germany's government pay at the ballot box. Our political party MERA25 Germany will keep fighting for peace, dignity and fredoom against all forms of injustice.

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