Home Education Live Update 18 June 2024

Описание к видео Home Education Live Update 18 June 2024

Join the Home Education Action Group team for an update of news and other events relevant to home educators in the UK.
Our current focus is the upcoming General Election on 4 July 2024, and how home educators can engage with campaigners and MP candidates.

Links for more information:
Change – The Labour Party
Page 21:
"We will tackle the attendance crisis, ensuring children enjoy and want to be in school again."
Page 81:
"Sadly, too often we see families falling through the cracks of public services. Labour will improve data sharing across services, with a single unique identifier, to better support children and families."

Conservative Manifesto 2024
Page 27:
"We will continue to work with schools and local authorities to improve school attendance, including through more mental health support, building on our plan that is working – there were 40,000 fewer children persistently absent last year compared to the year before. And to ensure all children are getting a high-quality education, including those who are home schooled, we will legislate to create a register of children not in school."

For a Fair Deal - Liberal Democrats Manifesto 2024 - Liberal Democrats
Full PDF:
Chapter 8 - More detail:
• Tackle persistent absence by setting up a register of children who are not in school, and working to understand and remove underlying barriers to attendance.

Our 2024 General Election Manifesto - Green Party
2024 Manifesto: Downloads - Green Party
Full Page 29
For Greens, education is a common good that benefits society as a whole so it should be publicly funded and available to everybody, free of charge, at every stage of life. We will continue to support parents in educating children in settings other than at school.

Policies Reform UK - Reform UK
No mention of home education
Page 16: Children and Families
Choice for Stay at Home Mums or Dads.
The majority of mothers would choose to stay at home more if they could. ‘Frontloading’ the Child Benefit system for children aged 1-4 would give parents the choice to spend more time with their children.

Plaid Cymru
Manifesto - The Party of Wales
PDF https://assets.nationbuilder.com/plai...

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00:00 Start
01:21 Labour Party
07:57 Conservative Party
11:52 Liberal Democrats
15:20 Green Party
21:52 Reform Party
25:26 Plaid Cymru/ Scottish National Party
26:11 Social Democratic Party


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