Local's favorite Italian Restaurant in Downtown Las Vegas: ESTHER'S KITCHEN

Описание к видео Local's favorite Italian Restaurant in Downtown Las Vegas: ESTHER'S KITCHEN

Local's favorite Italian Restaurant in Downtown Las Vegas: ESTHER'S KITCHEN - Subscribe Here:    / @kaoriluxuryrealestate  

0:00 - Introduction
0:19 - Esther's Kitchen
0:30 - Overview of Esther's Kitchen by Eric Gladstone from The Feast of Friends!
2:15 - Locals vs Tourists
7:27 - Cheers + Food Shots
7:47 - Closing

Have you visited the Arts District in Downtown Las Vegas yet? Located on the eastside of the 15 Charleston exit, the Art District is a vibrant cultural hub packed with indie art galleries, performance spaces, shops, restaurants, and bars. Located on the corner of South Casino and California Avenue, you will find award-winning local restaurant ESTHER's KITCHEN by Chef James Tree.

Fresh, Seasonal, Local, Simple. These ideas shouldn’t be uncommon in the restaurant world, but are far too often overlooked. For Chef James Trees, after scaling some of the most impressive heights in the restaurant business with a who’s-who of celebrity chefs (from Michael Mina to Gordon Ramsay, Eric Ripert and many others), no ambition was calling him more than bringing it all back home. Esther’s Kitchen, named for the Great Aunt who was Chef James’ first mentor, is nothing more--and nothing less--than a local restaurant inspired by its Las Vegas Arts District neighborhood to elevate the simple, and simplify elegance. Grounded in the ingredient-driven cuisine of Italy, pastas, breads and nearly everything possible are made in-house; produce and proteins come from the best local sources available; wines are chosen for intrigue and value; cocktails are mixed to please you, not a bartender’s ego. It’s a restaurant you’ll want to call home.

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Special thanks to Eric Gladstone from The Feast of Friends!

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