Scorpio Full Moon April 23rd 2024 Release And Transformation. ALL ASCENDANTS

Описание к видео Scorpio Full Moon April 23rd 2024 Release And Transformation. ALL ASCENDANTS

#scorpiofullmoon #jupiteruranusconjunction #eclipse #RachelMayoAstrologer

The Scorpio full moon is happening on April 23, 7:48 PM EST, at 4º17’ of Scorpio please check your own time zone to get the correct ascendant.
The moon in Scorpio is in detriment because it is most comfortable in the opposite sign Taurus so our deepest dark emotions are going to come up it’s going to feel intense most of us will feel exposed-naked.

This full moon will make us feel emotional, raw and sensitive because there is a T square aspect between sun , moon and Pluto this is one of the challenging aspects that we can have so if you Leo placements you will have a grand square. Hmmm!

Scorpio rules the 8th house of the zodiac it is the house where we keep our secrets and even the secrets that we keep from ourselves so this is probably be uncomfortable because the truth will be revealed. This is the culmination point of the Aries total eclipse and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

This full moon closes the eclipse season and we are past the Jupiter Uranus conjunction that happened last week. If you have resisting the changes this will be the moment of resistance is futile it’s time to transform. Feelings of fears,obsession, jealousy, manipulation and resentment might come to the surface to be purged.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is going to be highly impactful for those of us born with personal placements near the 4º of Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.


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