Is Deadline Changing the Meta? | Dead By Daylight

Описание к видео Is Deadline Changing the Meta? | Dead By Daylight

Is this the best Alan Wake perk?

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While streaming Dead by Daylight right after the release of chapter and the release of the brand new survivor, Alan Wake, I decided to review the perk Deadline to answer the question, Is Deadline a good perk? DBD chapter 31, has brought Alan Wake and Alan Wake is extremely fun to play. He might be the best survivor in dead by daylight. But is Deadline a strong survivor perk on all the survivor builds? I'll let you know what survivor builds do well with this perk and go over the best survivor builds and best survivor perks. This review is part of my survivor perk review series where I give tips and tricks to using perks. Will Deadline fit into the best survivor builds. This will lead to some salty killers and salty ttv. Alan wake has just been released and people are still learning how to counter alan wake and his perks, champion of light, boon: illumination, and deadline.

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