Anniversary - - How it all began

Описание к видео Anniversary - - How it all began

In the land of ancient peaks so high,
Beneath Mount Fuji's watchful eye,
A chance encounter, fate's surprise,
A girl appeared, with sparkling eyes.

Amidst the grandeur, she stood apart,
Her presence, a touch of purest art,
Weaving stories with a silent grace,
A mystic smile upon her face.

Words were unnecessary, for we could see,
Mountains mirrored in our souls, carefree,
Together we walked, hand in hand,
United by dreams, a cosmic strand.

From Fuji's embrace, destiny's call,
Whispered tales of a land enthralled,
Thailand's shores, enchanting and grand,
A new chapter, in a foreign land.

We embarked on a journey, side by side,
In vibrant streets, our hearts would glide,
Thai spices danced upon our tongues,
As love blossomed under tropical suns.

In Bangkok's chaos, we found our peace,
A symphony of sounds that would never cease,
Temples whispered ancient tales of lore,
Guiding us deeper, to our very core.

On beaches pristine, we'd lay our dreams,
Beneath palm trees, where the moonlight gleams,
Entwined in love, beneath a starry dome,
Creating memories, as if carved in stone.

Oh, the sights we beheld, the colours so bold,
From Chiang Mai's mountains to islands of gold,
We roamed through jungles, hand in hand,
Exploring the treasures of this foreign land.

Mount Fuji witnessed our love's grand flight,
As we traversed oceans, our spirits alight,
From Japan's serenity to Thailand's embrace,
We found solace, love's everlasting grace.

So, in the tapestry of life's grand design,
Two souls united, an eternal sign,
Mount Fuji and Thailand forever entwined,
As love's story unfolds, eternally kind.


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