There has never existed a Good, Normal Stable Climate as Claimed by COP27, WEF, IPCC, UN & the NWO

Описание к видео There has never existed a Good, Normal Stable Climate as Claimed by COP27, WEF, IPCC, UN & the NWO

COP27 and perhaps the most Fundamental and Philosophical Weakness in the COP27 and “Climate Crisis” Program.
A fundamental belief was a cornerstone of the 2021 COP26 climate change conference and is the basis for the COP27 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and UN 2030 Agenda.
It was stated and believed that “The Earth’s Climate is Changing from a Good & Normal Climate to a Warmer, Abnormal & Alarming Climate and needs to be restored to its Previous State."
This statement has absolutely no basis in climate science.
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