Amiga Stream the Fifth: RL:I, O.G.R.E., and Roadwar 2000

Описание к видео Amiga Stream the Fifth: RL:I, O.G.R.E., and Roadwar 2000

RL:I...what, you thought I'd start with something different??

Had some distractions with Yawhg, and then went to a classic game, initially a board game that turned into a video game, O.G.R.E.! I played it way back when, but because of how old it looked, never could get other folks into it after moving out from home and the like. Hope you get a kick out of looking at the little cardboard chits! The video game was a pretty good recreation of it, especially if you like Terminator styled futures where automated tanks try to destroy humanity. I appreciate the 1 v many aspect of it, because that's how I feel fights against machines and humans would go...hundreds fall to MAYBE take out 1 O.G.R.E.

Roadwar 2000 is pretty much what I thought the future would be when I was a youngin. I loved the idea of forming a gang of drivers to roam the countryside, raiding shops for food, putting together squads, and hanging on top of cars dueling other gangs in drive bys. Of course, none of that happened, we're just stuck in a pandemic. Oh well, can dream on in my road roving gang fantasy.

-- Watch live at   / dcbueller  

00:00 A little muted Pod action!
04:10 Renegade Legion: Interceptor
01:27:55 A bit of non Amiga times with the Yawhg
01:54:38 O.G.R.E.
02:38:04 Roadwar 2000


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