Santa Monica - changes are evident (on 3rd Street promenade) here in SoCal!

Описание к видео Santa Monica - changes are evident (on 3rd Street promenade) here in SoCal!

The way I recall Santa Monica's upscale 3rd Street Promenade from my last visit (@ 5+ years ago), things have changed considerably.

It seems that a few potential factors could be any combination of: the pandemic, the metro line now ends here (meaning everyone must now exit the trains here every night), homelessness is visible everywhere, Prop 47 passed (so any retail thefts under $950 are now considered a misdemeanor), etc., have helped create a much different shopping experience.

This once bustling area is definitely not the way I remember it, from years past!

There have been many brands which have already left and closed up stores here, such as, Gap, Guess, Banana Republic, Rip Curl, Forever 21, etc).

Thankfully I did see a few "coming soon" locations which were: Aldo Shoes, Barnes & Noble, etc. I will say the vacancies still heavily outweigh the incoming as this local market has been turned upside down!

I bounced through this promenade as previously it was always packed with hordes of locals and tourists combined. Not today! I made it here on a beautiful afternoon as there were only a few folks here as you can see from the video content I collected.

You can feel the effect in the air, hear the sirens (in the background) and see the hired security guards inside the storefronts.

As well as take note on a HUGE banner (placed on one vacant building front) which reads, "Santa Monica is NOT safe"! Pretty clear the store / property owners are not pleased with what is happening.

Has anyone (watching this video) been to Santa Monica (3rd Street Promenade) lately? If so, what did you see, feel or hear? Was your experience similar to mine?

I can only assume that if some major changes aren't put in place soon that the vacancies may increase along with the crime and homelessness. Fingers crossed, the economy continues to avoid the disastrous recession rumors (we've heard now for months) or this area will encounter even larger issues!

I then cruised (a tad bit south) to Marina Del Rey to pick up some natural / holistic / alternative products at Dr Schulze's - American Botanical Pharmacy. Love how they help educate their customers on the amazing benefits of their natural products.

Thx much for tagging along as I kick start the Nick-a-Palooza 2023 Summer Tour! lol


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