Garry Nolan and Rudy Schild | Explaining the Unexplained, Ep 204

Описание к видео Garry Nolan and Rudy Schild | Explaining the Unexplained, Ep 204

Dr. Rudy Schild is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world-renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard. Dr. Garry Nolan is an immunologist, inventor, and business executive, he holds the Rachford and Carlotta A. Harris Endowed Chair in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine.

Garry and Rudy join Luciano in this latest episode. This is the first meeting between the two and as expected, they go big. Fast. We talk the purpose of the universe, non human intelligence, the question of God, speciation, artificial intelligence, “extranormal”, the re-wiring of the brain, horse whispering, spiralling brain waves, orbs, inside out black hole, electric bath. And, we end this bounty of plenty with a definition from each about the secret of living an interesting life.

Strap yourselves in.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:09 Explaining the Unexplained
00:06:22 What is "God" and the Universe?
00:11:31 Non-Human Intelligence
00:15:07 Explaining UAP and NHI Sightings
00:25:49 The Future of Human Evolution
00:29:26 The Deep State and Being Bullied Into Silence
00:35:55 "Not Are They Here, But Could They Get Here?"
00:38:44 What the Government is Hiding
00:52:13 How Was the First Universe Created
01:00:37 Garry's Out Of Body Experience

SOL Foundation:
SOL Foundation Talk :    • Garry Nolan, Ph.D. on The Material Sc...  
Interview with Ross Coulthart:    • Professor Garry Nolan & Ross Coulthar...  
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X: @garrynolan

Center for Astrophysics –
Journal of Cosmology –
Personal website –
List of Published papers – (via The SAO Astrophysics Data System)
CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) –
Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: (via Amazon)
Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence – (via Amazon)
Edgar Mitchell Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds – (via Amazon)
NASA – Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy “SOFIA” –

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