29-3-5 FENG MAO Build | You need to try this! | Predecessor 1.0

Описание к видео 29-3-5 FENG MAO Build | You need to try this! | Predecessor 1.0

Build is below, details lined out.

Now clearly i don't belong in bronze so i feel bad for dominating, but for some reason i was placed in bronze, so you gotta do what you gotta do. I will climb to the top, back to the place i belong.

1st Item: PainWeaver, this will allow you to gain movement speed up to 4 stacks everytime you use an ability, great to aid feng maos mobility. Also gives you 2 penetration each stack . You do not really need to build this first but is very handy in jungle to rotate and escape easier.
2nd Item: Mind Razor, You can build this first instead of PainWeaver, to help clear the jungle quicker, as it has the cleave passive which does area damage effect around your basic attacks. Also gives you a nice amount of mana and ability haste.
3rd Item: Omen, this is a fantastic card on feng mao as it empowers your next basic attack after reaching 100 stacks (moving around builds stacks of torment) allowing you to deal more damage on your basic. This is great because Feng Maos passive is that his basic becomes empowered after three seconds of being out of combat. It also reduces non ability cooldowns by 2s allowing you to output more damage and escape quicker if needed.
4th Item: Envy, on leaping, dashing or exiting camo, your next basic attack will critically strike, this with Feng Maos Passive and omen lead to some massive damage numbers when using Reaping Dash. Also silences them for 1 second every 60s on that first basic.

Personally i use these 4 cards on Feng every single game, just makes his kit so powerful, the last two you can choose depending on the enemy team, need more pen? need some extra health or armour? I will put the two cards i used at the end to help.

5th Item: The Perforator, great anti-tank card. Ignores 28% of physical armour and slows for 25% for 1 second on landing an ability, this can be built ealier on if they have a very tanky team, like i said, very situational. I would build this 2nd or 3rd if they have a very tanky team, and continue like usual.
6th Item: Penumbra, one of the newer cards added to the game, this is a great card on feng. Gives you health, pen and ability haste, with the added bonus of on takedown, reduces non-ultimate abilties by 4s.

I hope this helps, thanks very much for watching and hope you enjoyed.


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