How to successfully start a local chicken farm for money in Nigeria

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"I met a 40yrs old man who keeps plenty goats and local chickens to survive in Ikoyi town. He raises money monthly from selling only goats and hens. The wife sells pap, fufu and garri. And they are living fine. It's an interesting revelation of how family copes in local communities".

There are little ways to make money and raising local chickens at home can be one. One of the most cheapest things you can raise in your home are local hens, and I will tell you why, or you probably know more.

Unlike your broilers and layers that you raise with formulated diets and feed meals to grow fast, a local chicken doesn't need much. You can feed them with waste foods. Yes, the rice that you got tired of eating, the left over in the cooked yam, amala from your pot while trying to wash them and waste from your grinded corn for Ogi, and many more.

You can arrange to keep wastes from different neighbors and turn it to food for your local animals. You can decide to cage them depending on how available you are to give them food or you free them during the day and allow them to come and sleep at night.

With N5,000, you can own a large numbers of local hens. Yes, I know someone who has a large pool of hen.

I have watched an Indian whose local hen farm will wow you. Fowls are coming out to eat in the morning and for 5 to 10 minutes, these creatures are still coming out of the built home..

That tells you how big their numbers is. From 5 to 10, you can multiply the numbers in 2yrs to 50 to 100. An hen can lay up to 250eggs in a year and can have a lifespan of about 5 to 10yrs, if you didn't kill them.

It's a free source of meat, no introduction of stuff to make them add weight unnecessarily, and there are more to the business side, but let me save the rest for your reading pleasure inside my book "Making money with Small businesses in Nigeria", where I discussed this as one of the 5 small businesses you can start in a local community in Nigeria as a side business.

Are you are nurse, teacher, corper, local community worker, or you are posted to a village or a small town and you wonder how you can make money here?

Well, this book will open your eyes to opportunities in this places and many more.

If you live in a local communities where there are fewer paid jobs you can try, animal farming can be a good way to agument your earnings. They may not make you rich but will make you not to go broke. Trust me! I was born into this system, I grew from it and I still see people doing many of these to be able to afford little things. It's a nature's way to earn.

This book will help you a lot..

In this book, you will also read stories about small businesses I have tried myself and lesson learnt and as well as those other small business owners that I interviewed and some that I observed in my wakawaka about.

You need a copy of this amazing book, when it is out in few days time, just say you say you are interested and I will book one for you and send to you by mail [email protected] or whatsapp on +2347063789912 .Just N2,500 or $5 (for the soft copy only for now).

This is one book you will never stop loving and will come back and buy more for others or send your good reviews. Trust me!

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#Localhens #makingmoneyinnigeria
#smallbusinessideas #smes #lowcapital


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