Meier & Weichelt Mobile Workbench Restoration - Part 4 - Cleaning up

Описание к видео Meier & Weichelt Mobile Workbench Restoration - Part 4 - Cleaning up

Part 4: Getting fresh plugs into the column, cleaning up edges and imperfections from casting and then it's time to throw some paint on!

Saw a really old and odd looking mobile workbench offered as "mobile vise" in a city not too far away a few weeks ago. Seems it had been exposed to the elements for a while - but I had to have it. Especially since it looked like a cast iron Meier & Weichelt one from a catalog! So I contacted the seller and offered to fetch it the next weekend and a 2.5 hour roundtrip later there it is.
Since I want this to be ready when the garden/vise season starts, no time better than now to take it apart and restore it.

So, enjoy watching me restore it, I bet there are some troubles ahead 😅.

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