Pokémon Platinum - Battle vs. Arcade Star Dahlia [Silver]

Описание к видео Pokémon Platinum - Battle vs. Arcade Star Dahlia [Silver]

Let's start the great Battle Frontier!

The Battle Arcade is headed by the Frontier Brain, Arcade Star Dahlia. For the Silver Print, she uses Ludicolo, Dusknoir, and Medicham.

Dusknoir: A extremely annoying Pokémon to defeat. With huge defenses and high HP, it's function is basically annoying. It knows Will-o-Wisp to burn you (halving your attack at the same time), Trick Room to make it's team faster than yours, and the priority Shadow Punch. Just hit it pretty hard to avoid any annoyances.

Ludicolo is actually very powerful. With a combination of Swords Dance with Waterfall+Drain Punch+Razor Leaf, it can be pretty lethal. Kill it ASAP or you'll find troubles here.

Medicham can be awesome if you're unprepared. A Psychic/Fighting type, it carries the Endure+Reversal+Salac Berry combo than can kill your team pretty fast. Be very careful with Zen Headbutt too!

My team for this battle:

Crobat @ No Item
Trait: Inner Focus
EV's: 252 Att / 252 Spd / 6 HP
Adamant Nature (+Att, -Sp. Att)
- Aerial Ace
- X-Scissor
- Cross Poison
- Toxic

Gengar @ No Item
Trait: Levitate
EV's: 252 Sp. Att / 252 Spd / 6 HP
Modest Nature (+Sp. Att, -Att)
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt

Houndoom @ No Item
Trait: Early Bird
EV's: 252 Sp. Att / 252 Spd / 6 HP
Mild Nature (+Sp. Att, -Def)
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Nasty Plot

Enjoy it! :D


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