Underclocking Pentium 100 to 386 speed to play Test Drive III The Passion

Описание к видео Underclocking Pentium 100 to 386 speed to play Test Drive III The Passion

Since 386 retro pcs are getting really hard to get, I tried to underclock a cheap socket 7 motherboard (LUCKY STAR 5I-VX2B) equipped with a Pentium 100 processor, FPM ram and an ISA video card (Trident TVGA9000i), to bring it to 486 and 386 speeds.
I used Test Drive III The Passion for game testing, because it shows a clock during the race that has to match a real time stopwatch for the game to run good.
And I just like the game. Despite it's poor handling, it has nice cars, cool music, interesting tracks and superb surroundings.


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