23 Million Books Sold. How To Have A Successful Long Term Writing Career With Kevin J Anderson

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If you want a long-term writing career, then it's a good idea to listen to people who have walked the path before you ... and who are still adapting to the changes in publishing. So, I'm super excited to bring you this interview with Kevin J Anderson today!

Kevin J Anderson is the multi-award-winning and internationally bestselling author of over 140 books, selling 23 million copies in thirty languages. He has written numerous novels in the Star Wars, X-Files, and Dune universes, as well as his own sci-fi, fantasy, thriller, steampunk, and horror books. He runs WordFire Press with his wife and fellow author, Rebecca Moesta, has edited numerous anthologies, and has written comics, games and song lyrics.

On whether Kevin suffers from self-doubt.

Making a living as a writer, and the 'popcorn theory' of writing success.

How to know when to stop putting effort into books that aren't selling.

Kevin's use of dictation for his writing.

How publishing has changed and Kevin's predictions for the future.

Story bundles; what they are, how they work, how they benefit both readers and the authors involved.

You can find Kevin at http://www.wordfire.com and on twitter @thekja


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