Polpala (පොල්පලා), balipoovu,

Описание к видео Polpala (පොල්පලා), balipoovu,

Aerva lantana (L.) Juss; (Amaranthaceae) Polpala/Polkudu Pala perennial herbs, (0.1-)0.3-2m tall, stem and branches cylindrical, more or less densely covered with whitish or yellowish or tomentose. Leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate. spikes sessile, stout, 0.4-1.5(-2) 0.3-0.4cm, silky white to creamy. fertile flowers not subtended by modified sterile flowers. flowers hermaphrodite. utricle about 1mm, round. seed about 0.6-0.8mm, black, and shining


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