Careers in Genetics and Genomics

Описание к видео Careers in Genetics and Genomics

#DNADay23 #NHGRIevents April 25, 2023 - Chris Gunter, senior advisor to the director for genomics engagement at NHGRI, facilitates a discussion that showcases the diverse career paths in the field of genomics research.

Biologist Kevin Bishop, NHGRI.
Social Media Specialist Jenny Montooth, NHGRI.
Program Director Stephanie Morris, Division of Genome Sciences, NHGRI.
Clinical Director Ben Solomon, NHGRI.
Vice President of Research Joyce Tung, 23andMe
Genetic Counselor Amy Turriff, NHGRI.

NHGRI hosts a symposium to commemorate two special milestones: the 20th anniversary of the Human Genome Project’s completion and the 70th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix.

About the Symposium:
About National DNA Day:


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