Pioneer Missionary Johann Flierl: Here I am, send me A Film from Wieland Metzner

Описание к видео Pioneer Missionary Johann Flierl: Here I am, send me A Film from Wieland Metzner

This Video brings the life story of Johann Flierl (1858-1947), Senior Missionary of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in former New Guinea - resulting in today's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea, with more then 1 Mio. members the biggest protestant Church in the South Pacific.

This film leads you all the way throughout the live and work of this unique pioneer missionary, beginning from his brith place Buchhof in Germany across to his missionary training and commissioning in Neuendettelsau - Bavaria/Germany, by the "Society for (Internal) Mission in the Interest of the Evangelical Lutheran Church von Bavaria".

The first assignment and service of Flierl was for and with the Aboriginal People in Southeran Australia - linked to the Lutheran Immanuel Synod there (based in Adelaide and connected to Tanunda).

When Germany took hold of New Guinea to become a Colony in 1884 Flierl verntured to North Queensland to get ready for serving the people's in New Guinea - foremost to protect them from exploitation and others dangers as inflicted by the white intruders. His call and service was determined to help people in the twofold regard, right from the beginning: To help to bring about reconciliation with the supreme God through his son Jesus Christ and likewise peace amongst the "tribes" or ethnic groups: Spiritual and social components of the gospel were intermingled positively: Holistic Mission. Jesus Christ also was totally God and totally Man.

Flierl served for over 30 years in PNG in various coastal stations in the Kate and Jabim language area. He returned, via Australia/Tanunda where his wife Louise died and was buried in Tanunda in 1937 back to Neuendettelsau in 1947: A blessed mission accomplished by Gods grace for the benefit of many.

This film was produced by hobby filmer, son of a Lutheran New Guinea Missionary Mr. Wieland Metzner.

Rev. Dr. Traugott Farnbacher


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