Original Thinkers, March 2019 Los Angeles

Описание к видео Original Thinkers, March 2019 Los Angeles

UC Santa Cruz is a place where critical and original thinking are fostered, norms are challenged, and new ideas emerge from an open invitation to explore.

Our faculty engage students in extraordinary learning opportunities, like a quest to Okinawa, sparked by an army captain’s collection of photos from the 1950’s—an effort that lead to The Okinawa Memories Initiative, a far-reaching public history project.

UC Santa Cruz is also a place that cares deeply about not only what it teaches, but how it teaches. The Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning (CITL) is part of a longstanding commitment to outstanding teaching and bold educational experimentation.

Featuring Professors Alan Christy and Jody Greene and student Nirupama Chandrasekhar.


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