Perarivalan release CM Mk Stalin Press meet

Описание к видео Perarivalan release CM Mk Stalin Press meet

Perarivalan release CM Mk Stalin Press meet
The Supreme Court used Article 142 of the Constitution that grants it extraordinary powers to do complete justice, to release Perarivalan, a Rajiv Gandhi assassination case convict, lodged in prison for over 30 years.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday invoked its extraordinary powers to do complete justice under Article 142 of the Constitution and ordered the release of A.G. Perarivalan in former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination is the compleat details about Perarivalan
In the meanwhile tamil nadu CM MK Stalin met the press and expressed his greetings to Perarivalan

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perarivalan release,
perarivalan rajiv gandhi,
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article 142,
article 142 of indian constitution,
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