Tokyo Ghoul (Piano Collection) | Soundtrack by Yutaka Yamada

Описание к видео Tokyo Ghoul (Piano Collection) | Soundtrack by Yutaka Yamada

The music of "Tokyo Ghoul" is beautifully tied with the notes of the pianoforte, possibly the most used and favourite instrument by composer Yutaka Yamada (as well as mine). Not that the music is all about it, but certainly it plays a major role in the emotional journey of the characters through the story.
One great thing that defines the score of "Tokyo Ghoul" is that Yutaka Yamada made various piano arrangements of his themes for the anime ("Schmetterling", "Licht und Schatten" and many new melodies from Tokyo Ghoul:re), and I love it because it gives you the chance to listen the same theme on a different instrument and tone. And in this video I collected the large majority of the piano solo tracks in the score of the anime. I didn't used all of them because some of them feauture background noise that kinda distract from the armonic sounds and didn't fit with the overall montage - but this is still a great piano compilation.

Plus, I wanted to add a piano cover of "Glassy Sky" since Yutaka Yamada didn't made one himself, and I found this one made by @yoshisugiyama9317 which I find gorgeous and very close to Yutaka Yamada's style. Here's a link to his original video:    • Tokyo Ghoul - Glassy Sky (Piano)  

Enjoy this video!

= edited

00:00 Glassy Sky (Piano Cover)
04:42 Schmetterling-Pf solo-
08:08 Stand by...
10:06 Eyepatch
11:11 Coffee
13:41 Tokyo Ghoul Piano Story
25:46 Tokyo Ghoul (Symphonic Suite)*
29:08 Tokyo Ghoul :re (Piano Version)
34:37 Tokyo Ghoul (Symphonic Suite)
35:38 Memories (Piano Version)
39:05 Believe Again (Piano Version)
41:52 Reflection (Piano Version)
45:20 Horizon (Piano Version)
47:44 Schmetterling (Piano Version)

#TokyoGhoul #YutakaYamada


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